The Outhouse Observatory
I have established a permanent pier and shelter in my backyard in Moreno Valley, California. The skies are not very dark here, but of course I can image planets, the moon, and deep sky objects using narrow band filters.
A backyard installation makes for a pretty quick setup when I want to observe at home. Having a permanent installation also allows me to practice photography and work out procedural and equipment bugs at home so I don't waste precious time when I go to a dark sky site.
WIth the addition of a storage/work cabinet near the pier, and connection of the observatory to the house through a CAT-6 network cable, I am able to monitor outdoor operations while sitting in my house.
People have called this the "Outhouse Observatory" since its tall, skinny shape reminds them of a good old fashioned outhouse. The structure, eight feet high, four long, and two wide, is made of 2x2 inch square tube steel frame, covered with the same siding we have on our home, and painted to match, and rests on six inch wheels. It rolls on a surface covered with enough paving squares to roll it back and forth about fifteen feet. When I want to observe, I open the door, roll back the structure, and remove the dust cover. It is ready to go visual, or awaits the connection of a lap top and camera to begin astrophotography. It is not as convenient as an observatory, where the computer, and so forth, is always set up and ready, and does not shield as well from local streetlights. On the other hand, it suffers from none of the seeing effects of a dome or roll off, has very little residual heat, and is obviously much easier and less expensive to build.
The pier was installed after digging forty inches down (at times with a jackhammer) into the hard decomposed granite. It is a home-made pier made with six inch pipe and 3/8 inch plate. It has a Losmandy G-11 head and is shown here with the Meade 10 inch F4.5 Starfinder Newt (and guide scope), although it spends most of its time holding a Celestron 9.25 SCT. The mount maintains its polar alignment very well, and is ready to go very quickly. Return to Alex's Home Page